Types of weeds in Florida
Stubborn Weeds
Southern Weeds
- Free seeding weed
- Prickly
- Seeds cling to animals, pant legs, and equipment
- Produce five thousand seeds in a season
- Common name is Virginia Buttonweed
- Warm season perennial
- Flowers are white that are cross shaped with 4 petals
Annual and perennial flowering weed
Some call chickweed Starweed, Satan Flower, & Mouse Ear
Belongs to the Carnation family
Grows low to the ground
- Called Plantago Major & White Man’s Foot
- Comes from parts of Europe and Northern and Central Asian
- It is a perennial that grows in spring to autumn
- Its a large weed
- Called Finger Grass & Fonio
- Native to tropical and warm temperature regions
- Also grows in cool temperatures
- Has wide flat blades
Some people think Daises are flowers, but they are actually weeds. The scientific name is Bellis Perennis, and it belongs to the family Asteraceae. Their are different types of daises, but the one in the picture is none as the common daisy. Daises can be considered the flower of the children because they can often be found in the backyard where the kids often pick and play with them. Daises are one of the types of weeds in Florida that can be used to put in your kitchen on table in a vase.

How to kill and prevent weeds
1. Spread pre-emergent 3 times a year
2. Pick weeds once a week in grass and flowerbeds
3. Apply weed killer for sod care
4. fertilize to keep the lawn healthy which will keep the grass full.