Do You Need Fresh Sod Mt Pleasant SC Today

Fresh sod Mt Pleasant SC Call 843-904-4818

Fresh sod mt pleasant sc

Call sod supplier 843-904-4818 today and get fresh sod Mt pleasant SC.

When you call a turf specialist will help you determine which turf grass is best for your lawn, they ask a few questions to better serve you. Our team is here to help you through the first step in replacing your lawn. For some it is challenging but, with our help we will make the process go as smooth as possible. In most cases the grass rolls will be cut and ship off the next day. Our goal is to deliver quality  product. 

There are tons of beautiful homes in Mt. Pleasant, SC and a lot of them have beautiful landscaping design that consist of, patios, fire pits, pergolas, and  well designed flowerbeds. Some lawns have design in there front, back and side yards. 

People that like to entertain have great backyard designs with kitchens, amazing hardscapes, pools, and more. An out door kitchen can give you what you need to entertain guess without having to go in the house. A Design with a grill, sink and refrigerator it ideal for parties. You can eat out side while sitting next to the fireplace. Design an Outdoor kitchen can be fun. you have to figure out what size patio you want, type of brick, where you want to position your fire pit and also you have to decide whether you want a covered or open patio. Once you have decide that you also have the option to include a pool in the design. A pool can be expensive, and rewarding. 

Landscaping Design

landscaping design

Sod care is on of the 1st steps to having a beautiful lawn. Some people want a beautiful lawn instantly that can only happen if you rip your old grass out and install new turf. Once the lawn is renovated you still have to maintain it. 

Steps to Flawless lawn 

  • Apply fertilizer – you have to fertilize your lawn at least 3 times a year to ensure that it has the nutrients it needs for survival. Homeowners rarely know how to fertilize their lawn properly. First you must no what type of fertilizer to use. On most bags of fertilizer there are 3 numbers that you need to know what they mean The numbers on the bag stand for nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium and they are in the same order that I listed them. A good safe fertilizer is 20-5-10, which means 20 percent nitrogen,  5 percent phosphorus, and 10 percent potassium. When apply fertilizer to the lawn follow the direction and never fertilize more than 1 every 90 days. If too much fertilizer is spread it can have an adverse effect and kill your lawn. 
  • Inspect for weeds – At least once a week try spending at least an hour in the yard picking weeds, even though you apply weed control they will always pop up in a different spot. The goal is to prevent the weeds from over taking the lawn. To help control the weeds in the grass you can apply a lawn friendly weed killer once a month. Make sure that the weed killer says it can be applied to grass. You do not want to use a weed killer that kills the grass with the weeds. 
  • Inspect for fungus – Every so often your lawn can get a fugus and it is important to catch the fugus before it spreads. Never apply fertilizer if your lawn is infected by a fugus. When you apply fertilizer to a lawn that has a fungus will cause the fungus to spread faster. 
  • Apply pre-emergent and post emergent  – Applying emergent to the lawn will help stop weeds from germinating. To help slow down the spread of weeds you can apply an emergent at least 3 times a year. Weeds cause the lawn to thin out so it is important not to skip the emergent.  
  • Check the soil to make sure that PH levels are balanced for the type of sod that you have – Each type of sod has a PH level that is recommend for the particular type of sod sod check your levels the lawn should have a balance between acidity and alkalinity.
  • Make sure that your lawn has proper drainage – Poor drainage can cause the lawn to develop a fugus. Make sure that your house has gutters that tie into a French drain that runs the water to a place that it can drain properly.